Learning to create chrolopleth maps:

[slideshare id=10853741&w=477&h=510&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px; margin-bottom: 5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no] Practica mapa-coropletas from José Monllor A choropleth map uses colors or shading to show differences between areas. Areas that share a quality are colored or shaded alike. Choropleth maps can be used to show differences in quantity also. If you wanted to show the Read more about Learning to create chrolopleth maps:[…]

Old Civilizations: presentations

During the last weeks the students from 1ºESO have been working in some interesting presentations about the main ancient cultures, these are the different civilizations that took place in  Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the different cultures that rose in the Iberian Peninsula. In their assessments they have included power point presentations and a speech to Read more about Old Civilizations: presentations[…]

El proceso de hominización y visita a Arqueopinto

El pasado 30 de enero visitamos Arqueopinto con nuestros alumnos de 1º ESO del CEIPSO El Cantizal, un espacio dedicado al estudio de la Prehistoria, especialmente del Paleolítico y el Neolítico y del proceso de hominización del que hicimos un gran repaso  gracias a las reproducciones de algunos de los principales homínidos como el  Australophitecus, el Homo Read more about El proceso de hominización y visita a Arqueopinto[…]