Here you have a lot of paper dolls where you coul see the evolution of clothes throughout history and cultures. All these paper dolls come from a very useful page for this type of activities Practical Pages.
Paper Dolls ~ Fashions Through Past Eras:
This download includes:
- Jane Austen fashions of the 1800’s
- Victorian era
- Edwardian eras of 1900’s
- Medieval era
- King Louis French fashions
- 1960’s fashions
Paper Dolls of Ancient History:
This 4 page download includes ~
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Vikings
- Ancient Rome
- Elizabethan Era
Paper Dolls of Ancient Japan, China, India and North American Indians:
This download includes:
- Ancient China
- Ancient Japan
- Ancient India
- Native Americans
Paper Men of Ancient History:
This 4 page download includes ~
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Vikings
- Ancient Rome
- Elizabethan Era
- Ancient China
- Ancient Japan
- Ancient India